Back-to-School Health Checklist for Parents

The phrase “back to school” is met with cringing by kids and rejoicing by parents. Some kids are happy to be back with their friends, but most would rather continue their loosey goosey summer routine; late nights, sleeping in, no real schedule. Alas, Fall is coming and so is school, so parents must do some work, namely, a back-to-school health checklist for parents.

Ease Into the Sleep Schedule

Don’t expect that your kids will be able to adjust their bedtime schedule and wake up times without a struggle. Begin to ease them into the new time frames at least 2 weeks before school starts. Do it with little steps. If you want your middle school child to be in bed by 8 PM on school nights, begin by having them go to bed at 9 PM and then shorten the time by 10 minutes every night. Do the same with wake-up calls in the morning.child holding school books.

If they complain and whine, with a big smile say: “You’ll thank me in 12 days.” 

See PediatriCare for Immunizations and Physicals

Keeping your children healthy is one of your prime responsibilities. Many states have required immunizations before school starts. Set up an appointment with your pediatrician to get their shots, especially their annual flu vaccine. The last thing you want to do is set up your child to get sick and miss school.

At the same time, they can get a yearly physical. If they plan to play sports, this might be required as well. 

Always Be Available to Talk AND Listen

Letting your children know that they have a safe place with you is crucial.

Some examples include:

  • If your child is starting a new school or starting school for the first time, make them feel more comfortable by taking them to tour the school, meet their teacher, and get acclimated to the surroundings. Reassure them that school will be a fun activity and their teachers are there to help.
  • The older kids get, they may find it hard to talk about certain things. Encourage them to tell you what’s on their mind. Let them know you will listen, will not judge, and they can tell you anything.
  • Keep an eye on any changing behaviors or a drop in grades. Try to get them to tell you what’s bothering them. Are they being bullied? Are they feeling sad? If you become worried that they are getting depressed, talk with our pediatricians about solutions.

Maintain a Routine

Although it’s not always possible, maintaining a routine kids can count on can truly make a difference. It provides safety and comfort. Get everyone off to school at the same time, have a set time and place to do homework, make dinner time a family get together where each person can talk about their day, even you. Lights out should be consistent with a 30 minute escape from media prior to bedtime.

Encourage children to make their study area comfortable and inviting with these tips.

Focus on Sometimes Forgotten Prerequisites

What do we mean? Focus on giving your children nutritious meals for breakfast (and sufficient time to eat). Pack healthy lunches and provide plenty of opportunity to stay hydrated. Getting enough sleep is necessary for learning and staying healthy.

Make time for outdoor activities, games, sports, and family outings. Kids need exercise along with nutrition coupled with proper sleep to learn.

Stay Engaged in Their Learning

Show a genuine interest in your child’s learning. Check and discuss their homework, ask questions about what they are studying, and make an effort to do this on a nightly basis. Always talk about their strengths before discussing how they can improve. It shows your children how important learning is and that you care about their efforts and want nothing but success for them. 

Contact our pediatric clinic in Northern Virginia at (703) 330-3939 for a back-to-school physical and any needed vaccines.

Sources: Back to School – 10 Days of Activities (

Young Children: Raising Healthy Children | Parent Information | CDC

Back-to-School Tips for Families –

School Attendance (




