Author: PediatricCare of Northern VA

How To Recognize Developmental Delays In Children

There is a difference between developmental delays and simply lagging behind. Developmental delays refer to a mental, physical, or emotional slow down which impedes the progressive growth of a child. There are typical developmental milestones we can look for in children, so let’s learn how to recognize developmental delays in children.

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Tips For How To Help Your Child With ADHD

A child with ADHD can be a “handful,” but you already know that if your child has Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder. In addition to bringing your child for therapy at PediatriCare of Northern Virginia, it’s important to complement their therapy with your actions at home. We have listed some valuable tips for how to help your child with ADHD.

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Immediate Care For A Child’s Asthma Attack

It can be difficult to ascertain if your very young child has asthma, so it’s important to watch for symptoms, note when they occur, and report those to PediatriCare of Northern Virginia. Our offices treat asthma. An asthma attack in a young child can be quite frightening, and the immediate care for a child’s asthma attack can prevent a life threatening situation.

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Prioritizing Your Child’s Mental Health and Wellness

At no time in our history have our children been bombarded with as many distractions, fears, anxieties, and mixed messages than now. Parents can be overwhelmed with the multitude of issues that are involved with raising children like keeping them physically healthy and encouraging good learning habits. Added to those tasks, a parent must also focus on prioritizing their child’s mental health and wellness. In today’s world that can seem an insurmountable task, but it can be accomplished with the right tools.

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5 Speech Therapy Techniques to Try at Home with Your Child

If you find that your little one is having trouble communicating, there are many ways you can assist your child in developing better skills. You understand the importance of language, articulation, and comprehension and their value in successful interactions. As a result, you can choose to work with a professional speech pathologist, or you can try 5 speech therapy techniques at home with your child, or you can do both!

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8 Great Habits For Kids To Have Early In Life

Most parents are well aware that telling children what to do and how to act is far less effective than showing them what to do and how to act. Teaching children what is a good habit early in life works best when the habit or behavior is modeled by the parents themselves.

Whether the child is 3 or 13, kids look to their parents for guidance, so consider these 8 great habits for kids to develop early in life.

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